My Old Life List

In high school, one of my teachers gave us a writing assignment.  We were to write a list of 100 things we wanted to accomplish during our lives.  I was inspired and still am.  My list has gone through several revisions and will probably continue to be revised, but here it is as of today . . .

Work Skills

  1. Teach children
  2. Begin writing my family’s stories
  3. Learn to use photo editing software really well
  4. Write books
  5. Publish my books
  6. Become A+ certified?
  7. Learn how to create and maintain a database?
  8. Learn how to set-up and maintain a computer network?
  9. Learn how to create my own computer programs?


  1. Create a meditation garden with water and rock features
  2. Own a telescope
  3. Own a heavy bag
  4. Write my last will and testament and keep it up to date
  5. Learn to give really great massages and give them
  6. Grow flowers without killing them
  7. Write haiku poetry
  8. Learn to appreciate and describe wine
  9. Learn about Western astrology
  10. Be able to interpret western astrological birth charts
  11. Learn about Vedic astrology
  12. Speak French
  13. Speak German
  14. Speak and write Japanese
  15. Play chess well
  16. Learn sign language
  17. Own and be proficient with professional camera equipment (video and still)
  18. Make a kite that flies well
  19. Sew my own clothing and costumes for the SCA
  20. Learn to cook perogies the way my mother did
  21. Sing my favourite songs
  22. Memorize and recite my favourite poems
  23. Ballroom dance
  24. Belly dance (taking lessons October-November 2008)
  25. Tap dance
  26. Learn to draw
  27. Learn Calligraphy
  28. Play the guitar
  29. Operate and regularly update a useful website
  30. Learn to snowboard
  31. Learn to serve volleyball overhand
  32. Read Dante’s The Inferno
  33. Read Joyce’s Ulysses


  1. Visit Hiroshima (May 7 & 8, 2008)
  2. Tour wineries of Italy
  3. Tour wineries of BC
  4. Go whale watching
  5. See the Northern Lights
  6. Visit the Coliseum
  7. Visit the Parthenon
  8. Walk the Great Wall of China
  9. Tour the Forbidden Palace
  10. Tour the Legislature in Ottawa
  11. Visit the Red Rocks in Colorado
  12. Visit the Statue of Liberty in New York City with my sister
  13. Visit the Pyramids of Egypt
  14. Visit Hawaii
  15. Visit the Eiffel Tower
  16. Visit PEI – specifically the inspiration for Anne of Green Gables
  17. Visit L’anse Aux Meadows
  18. Visit Germany
  19. Visit Stonehenge
  20. Visit Westminster Abbey
  21. Visit the MacLachlan Castle
  22. Visit Ayers Rock
  23. Visit the Taj Mahal
  24. Visit the Dead Sea
  25. Visit historic battle sights, viking settlements, and religious ruins in the United Kingdom
  26. Visit Barkerville
  27. Visit the Rocky Mountains
  28. Visit the Grand Canyon
  29. Visit Niagara Falls
  30. Go on a Cruise
  31. Visit Japan (May 5-24, 2008)
  32. Visit Tibet

One Time Experiences

  1. Ride an elephant
  2. Ride a camel
  3. Live to be 100 years old
  4. Be part of a book club
  5. Be part of a film/movie club
  6. Take an art class
  7. Beat Lance at a video game
  8. Attend an Opera
  9. Attend a Broadway show (in NYC)
  10. Go sky diving
  11. Go scuba diving in the ocean

Zombie Survival Skills

  1. Carve my body into a state of fabulous
  2. Financially support myself
  3. Remember better
  4. Drive a motorcycle
  5. Own a canoe
  6. Be a millionaire
  7. Have children?
  8. Learn to identify the major constellations where we live
  9. Learn to identify the major types of plants of the lower mainland
  10. Safely and accurately operate a firearm
  11. Safely and accurately operate a bow and arrow
  12. Learn to safely administer first aid and CPR
  13. Learn martial arts
  14. Make my own armour for the SCA
  15. Make my own wine
  16. Make my own mead
  17. Fix minor problems with my car
  18. Fix minor household problems
  19. Learn to kayak
  20. Learn swordsmanship
  21. Learn to ride a horse
  22. Accurately and safely throw knives

1 Comment

  1. December 20, 2008 at 3:17 pm

    […] over to the page that contains my Life List.  If you haven’t yet,  you might want to go over there now and take a quick look at the list.  Currently there are 107 items divided into the […]

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