Complete MAME cabinet


While I was away in New York, my husband had to keep himself busy somehow.  So, he did exactly what I would have done and put together an overly ambitious list of project and things to do 😀  Upon hearing all of his plans, I really hoped that he would just focus on the little finishing touches with the arcade cabinet and I am quite happy to say that this is exactly what he did (well, there were a few other things that he did, because he’s awesome, but this was the main one.)

Among the finishing touches, you can see that there is now a marquee across the top.  Our good friend “the Nighthawk” came over to help him out with the wiring for it, so that it lights up.  There’s a little switch so we can turn the lights on and off.

He has plans to redo the marquee as one solid sheet of paper from a printing company down the road.  For now, it’s several overlapping images that shows when the light shines behind it, but it still looks cool!

He also had the chance to spray paint the logo on the sides.

He set up a spray booth and cut out the stencil by hand.  It was a lot of work, but totally worth it!  Have I mentioned yet that L designed all the graphics himself?  I think it looks really cool!

Of course, now he has plans for more touches being sprayed on, upgrades, and future cabinets.  I can never be certain if he’s serious or not, but so far he’s mentioned a series of networked racing games (the ones where you sit right in them and play a car race game) and skee ball (especially after our recent trip to Castle Fun Park).

1 Comment

  1. docandwriter said,

    July 24, 2009 at 11:19 pm

    This is cool. You know, I would love to find a game from 1984 called Alcon or also known as Slapfight. Any idea where I can get a circuit board for one?

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